Dr. Bret Scher, known as the Low-Carb Cardiologist, started out prescribing the low-fat, high-carb diet he was taught throughout medical school to his patients.
But, as you’ll learn in this podcast episode, he wasn’t making any progress despite his and their best efforts.
Dr. Scher knew there had to be a better way and eventually his research led him towards keto.
As a board certified cardiologist, you may be thinking that he’d be the last person promoting a low-carb, high-fat diet.
And Dr. Scher definitely received his share of skepticism in the medical field.
Despite all of this, he found incredible results personally and in his patients, especially his most challenging ones.
You’ll hear more about this, along with the other lifestyle therapies he’s prescribing.
Dr. Scher also shares what to do about high cholesterol on keto, other blood markers to consider, and his experience prescribing time-restricted eating.
Exercise is not the way to lose weight, especially if you’re ignoring your diet. Click To TweetFor those reading this that don’t know Dr. Scher, he’s board certified in adult cardiovascular disease, adult echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology.
He’s also held prior certifications as a NASM certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, as well as in functional medicine and behavior modification.
Dr. Scher has made it his mission to help inspire people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits to achieve their best health.
By tuning into this episode, you’ll hear more about:
- Dr. Bret Scher’s background as a board certified cardiologist and medical director who promotes keto for better heart health
- What made Dr. Scher realize keto was an option
- When Dr. Scher first started keto personally and in his clinical practice
- How time-restricted eating impacted his patients
- The lifestyle therapies he was prescribing before and after keto
- The problems he saw earlier on in his patients with a high-carb, low-fat diet
- Other factors to consider when it comes to LDL cholesterol
- What Dr. Scher currently promotes
- What he does about LDL increases in his keto patients
- More about hyper-responders and what to look for when testing cholesterol
- Should you ignore a high LDL score on keto?
- Should you aim to keep your LDL cholesterol low?
- Is it possible to get ahead of the progression of heart disease?
- Is plaque stuck in your arteries forever?
- Vegan diets and heart health
- Dr. Scher also shares his thoughts on saturated fat and whether this has changed over the years
- How do we shift the public consensus?
- The study on keto that came out with negative outcomes
- Other important lifestyle modifications to consider
- Should you fast if you’re stressed out?
- Are saunas beneficial?
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Mentioned in This Episode
- Dr. Bret Scher’s website
- Dr. Bret Scher’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
- Diet Doctor, the site that Dr. Scher is the Medical Director for
More Resources
- Can Keto Help Prevent Heart Disease?
- Butter, Bacon, and Fat: The Truth About Keto and Cholesterol
- 12 Screenings for Heart Disease Risk You Haven’t Heard of Yet
- The Keto Answers Podcast Episode Episode 059 – Dr. Jeff Volek: 10+ Years of Keto Research, Cholesterol on Keto, Exogenous Ketones, and How Keto is Reshaping Outdated Nutritional Guidelines
- The Keto Answers Podcast Episode Episode 018 – Dr. William Davis: Preventing Heart Disease by Cutting Out Grains, The Truth About Cholesterol, and Optimizing Your Health with High Quality Nutrition
- The Keto Answers Podcast Episode 068 – Dave Feldman: High Cholesterol on Keto, Triglyceride Levels, The Best Way to Gauge Cholesterol, and When to Be Alarmed