30 Day Paleo: Day Two – Setting Personal Goals For Health

30 Day Paleo: Day Two – Setting Personal Goals For Health

Looking to make healthier choices? Perfect! This is Day 2 of 30 of my 30 Day Paleo Plan. For more information on 30 Day Paleo as well as 30 Minute Paleo, check out the get started page. Post each day on your 30 Day Paleo journey to Twitter or Instagram and show me by tagging me with @dranthonygustin — get after it! 

Any major lifestyle and nutrition change is a huge step and can be difficult and uncertain. Once you define your trajectory, the path will become much clearer. Take some time to reflect on the top goals you wish to accomplish by changing up your diet and lifestyle. Setting personal goals will only set you up for success moving forward.

Are you trying to lose weight? Paleo can be a wonderful tool to shed extra body fat effortlessly. Dropping processed food and eating whole foods from proper sources will keep hunger at bay and allow your body to shed unnecessary body fat.

Are you trying to gain lean mass and bulk up? Eating a clean diet full of animal products and plants will send messages to your body that it is in a period of abundance, and that it is time to grow lean tissue (I also developed a clean protein powder that can help with this).

Are you trying to ditch inflammation and joint pain or get rid of autoimmune/gut problems? Eating a whole foods based diet with massive amounts of micronutrients while limiting foods that are gut irritants will help eliminate chronic pain and health conditions. Colostrum supplement, collagen powder, and beef liver supplements may help in this regard as well.

This guide will help you set the framework for any and all of those goals. Identifying your goal is extremely important. Isolate why you are shifting your lifestyle and allow it to serve as the motivating factor that keeps you going through the 30 days successfully. As soon as you know where you’re headed and why, we will take care of the how.

Journaling can help with this, or anything where you write it down. Just take some time for yourself, make sure you establish WHY you are doing this. Without the why, you will never succeed. There are plenty of things people want to do, but if they are not motivated correctly, they will never get there.

Maybe you’re overweight, and you want to “lose weight” as your goal. But REALLY what you care about is being able to play with your kids more. So establish your goals as WHY you want to reach them so that you’re truly motivated about achieving them.

Take time for identifying and setting personal goals and write them down somewhere you will see them daily to keep you motivated.