Episode #063
Generating Healthy Skin Cells, Personal Care Ingredients to Avoid for Healthier Skin, Why Retinol is Bad and What to Use Instead
Raise your hand if you’re someone who diligently reads food labels anytime you’re checking out a packaged food item. Now I want you to keep your hand up if you take the same care when it comes to your skincare products. My guess is the number of hands in the air would dramatically go down […]
Andy Hnilo
These toxic ingredients are getting into your bloodstream and disrupting your endocrine system, and it affects everything from head to toe. Share on X
Raise your hand if you’re someone who diligently reads food labels anytime you’re checking out a packaged food item.
Now I want you to keep your hand up if you take the same care when it comes to your skincare products.
My guess is the number of hands in the air would dramatically go down with that second statement.
It’s not uncommon for people who are following a keto diet to check labels; this is a good thing for tracking macros and reaching ketosis.
But, for some strange reason, most people don’t carry this important step over to other areas, especially when it comes to their skincare products.
This is a huge mistake as you’ll learn in this episode with Andy Hnilo, the founder of an all-natural skincare line, Alitura Naturals.
You’ll notice that today’s episode is a little bit different than most since the focus isn’t on nutrition or ketosis.
Instead, Andy and I dive into all things skin health and how most products are packed with chemical ingredients.
Sadly, these ingredients are so bad that they’re considered carcinogenic, which means they have the potential to cause cancer.
Be very aware of what you’re putting on your body just as much as what you’re putting into (your body) because there are so many products out there that have hidden toxins. Share on X
Andy shares the biggest offenders and chemical ingredients to avoid when it comes to your skin health.
And he’ll also explain how they affect your health and why expensive prescription skincare products aren’t any better.
You’ll even discover the truth about retinol creams and how to find sunscreens that are safe and worth using.
Lastly, Andy also dives into his daily skincare and supplement routines, why he recommends clay and derma rolling, and how he generates healthy skin cells.
For anyone not familiar, an unfortunate circumstance — which you’ll hear about — led Andy Hnilo down this skincare path and helped him uncover the truth.
Now he’s made it his mission to provide a healthier alternative to traditional skincare products by creating ones that are GMO and chemical-free.
Find out why your skin health matters so much and what you can do about it starting today by tuning into the episode now.
Here’s a peek at what’s in store when you do
- How Andy went from being a top 100 recruit, playing D1 (Division 1) baseball to starting his own all-natural skincare line
- The one thing he’s obsessively been doing since he was 18
- Why he recommends using a shower filter
- The biggest carcinogenic ingredients hiding in many popular skin care products
- The surprising characteristic of clay and how Andy used it to accelerate his skin healing after a major trauma
- Other ways clay can be beneficial for your skin health
- How Andy chooses ingredients for his skincare line
- He also shares his routine for regenerating healthy skin cells
- The problem with doctor-recommended, expensive skincare creams
- Why you should never use retinol eye creams and what you can reach for instead
- Other harmful ingredients to avoid in your skin and hair care products
- What really happens when you use products packed with chemical ingredients
- How US regulations differ from EU (European Union) standards
- Andy also answers the question of whether or not you need to apply anything to your skin
- His top choice for sunscreen and the ingredients to avoid and look for when choosing one
- Andy’s daily skin care routine and how often he recommends using masks
- How derma rolls affect your skin
- The difference between serums and moisturizers and when to use each
- His go-to supplements and foods
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Mentioned in This Episode
- Andy Hnilo’s website, which features his natural skincare line Alitura
- Andy Hnilo’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel
- The Alitura Pearl Cleanser
- Aquasauna shower filter
- Think Dirty app
- Keys Solar RX Sunscreen
More Resources
- Can Diet Get Rid of Cellulite? What The Science Says
- The Keto Answers Podcast Episode 006: Emily Schromm – Optimizing Your Skin Health, Gut, and Energy with a High Fat Diet
- The Best Acne Diet: How Food Can Help Clear Your Skin
- The 6 Best Supplements To Fight Acne
- What Red Light Therapy Can Do For Your Health
- The Keto Answers Podcast Episode 042: Scott Nelson – What Science Says About Red Light Therapy Or Photobiomodulation
- How To Read Food Labels